Pick up Open Shift

To pick up an open shift, you will use the same interface as the Replace action.

On the Computer Web App

  1. In your Home page, go to the "Open + My Schedule" tab

  2. Click on the Open/Empty Shift on the Calendar

  3. On the right Shift Change panel, click on "Replace"

4. Find and select your Name and then Click "Fill this Shift".

5. That's it! Your scheduler will now get a message to approve this Shift Change

On the Mobile App

  1. In your mobile app, go to the Offers/Open Shift tab (price tag icon at the bottom)

  2. Tap on the Open Shifts tab at the top left

  3. Find the Open Shift on the Mini Calendar

  4. Tap on the "Empty" box in the Open Shifts list below the Calendar

  5. On the right Shift Change panel, click on "Replace"

  6. Find and tap on your Name

  7. Tap on "Tap to Fill this Shift"

  8. That's it! Your scheduler will now get a message to approve this Shift Change

Last updated