
The Autopilot page (accessible by clicking on the "Autopilot" tab in the top right of your screen) is where the Scheduler lives. Only users designed as schedulers can access "Autopilot". This is where a scheduler creates, edits, publishes a schedule. The following tasks are performed under "Autopilot":

  1. Create groups (under the Spots tab): groups form the basis of organizing your shifts. How you define your groups is completely open-ended -- Groups can be locations (e.g. emergency department vs. urgent care), shift groups by time of day (e.g. Days, Evenings, Nights), assignment types (e.g. Clinical Shifts vs Paid Time Off) etc.

  2. Create spots (under the Spots tab): a spot is the definition of a shift -- a spot becomes a shift when it assumes a date on the calendar.

  3. Create shift templates (under the Spots tab): shift templates allow you create empty skeletons right before you run the autoscheduler.

  4. Add employees (under the Employees tab)

  5. Customize site rules (under the Rules tab) for the autoscheduler

  6. Create rotation schedules (under the Rotation tab) to simplify scheduling, and

  7. Create empty shifts on the calendar by using the shift templates you created

  8. Run the autoscheduler (under the Roster tab).

For a quick video and checklist on how to create a schedule, please review our "Scheduler Quick Start Guide"

Last updated