Spot List

Note: A "Spot" can be also referred to as a "Shift". A Spot is just a shift without a specific date. To make things easier to understand, we'll refer "spots" as shifts.

"Spot List" allows you to see the the list of shifts that you have created. It also allows you to edit the details of each shift such as:

  • Shift Sort Order - Display order of the shift on the calendar, one (1) being at the top.

  • Shift Spot Name - the name you want for the shift

  • Alt Display ("Alternative Display" - A second name displayed on the schedule to hide the real name of the shift, for management purposes)

  • Groups - the group that the shift is linked or categorized. This helps organize the shifts under one title and display it accordingly to your users in a published calendar

  • Start Hr - Start hour of the shift. Note, use 24 hour clock values (i.e. 6 pm is 18)

  • Lenght (hr) - Lenght of shift in hours. You can use decimals. Thus, one hour and 15 minutes is 1.25.

  • Spot Tags - a dropdown list of special pre-programmed tags that you can link to your shift. You'll see examples such as "Day, Afternoon, Evening, Night, PTO etc". Tags allow you to categorize a shift further so that we can apply a special layer of rules. For example, tagging your shift as "On-Call" opens up special rules that apply to "On-Call" shifts only.

  • Required Skills - you can identify if a shift requires a skill or not. A skill is a special attribute that your physicians, nurses, employees have and identified under their profile. A shift can be linked to a skill so that when the scheduling system runs, only individuals that match the skill can be assigned to the shift. Generally, leave required skills blank as we use skills in more complex scheduling. The Equina team will help you setup your employee and shift skills. The alternative is that we establish which shifts (by shift / spot name) an employee can be assigned to in their profile.

Editing A Spot / Shift

To edit a spot / shift, just click on the "pencil" icon. Don't forget to save your changes. You can also change the colour of the shift by clicking on the colour circle and selecting a pre-defined shift.

Deleting A Shift

You can also delete the shift entirely by clicking on the red trash can. Note, a warning will pop up if you try to delete a shift that has actual shifts applied to dates or people assigned to them. The warning looks like this:

The warning popup will indicate if you have any unpublished / published shifts, any requests involving the specific shift, and lastly any rules associated with the shift. You can delete each item by clicking on "Delete" or you can just "Deactivate" the shift so that an audit record is maintained and data is not lost. Take care when deleting a shift that has any unpublished / published, requests, or rules associated with it. Reach out to Equina's support team if you need further advice or assistance when you want to remove a shift / spot.

The Spot List displays a fixed number of shifts at a time. Use the "Previous" or "Next" button to flip between the pages listing your shifts. You can also use the drop down menu to filter on shift Groups.

Inactive Spots

If you deactivated a shift, you can find them by clicking on "Inactive Spots". You can restore the shift back to active in this area:

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